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Stringing jewelry and stories.

I started making my own jewelry nine years ago, in order to stand apart, and to express my own sartorial sensibility. I started Earth-Strings to share this freedom with you. The freedom to be you. The one you. The many you-s.


I believe that each person is unique, and even within an individual, dwell different moods and preferences. My handmade jewelry is as exclusive as the person who wears them — who they are, and what their style is all about. From eclectic to elegant, and from classic to contemporary, there is something for all styles here! The pieces are also as versatile as the many avatars you don, and the many occasions you find yourself in. Whether you want to look polished for a conference or want to make heads turn at a cocktail dinner, these creations will enhance your look, and tell your story.


My name, Mrittika, means the Earth. I believe that Earth-Strings creations reflect the beauty of what the Earth offers in myriad natural colors, shapes, and textures. The stories these create and the way they express yours is what Earth-Strings is all about.


My pieces are bold and subtle, colorful and graceful, earthy and flighty, and not one has a duplicate. I hope you will seek them out to be a part of your expression and creativity. If you don’t see something that you like, or you want something a different way, I’ll make a bespoke or customized design for you!

Here’s to looking good and crafting stories together!

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